Fate: Now Patent Pending! Now with Patented Technology to Decide What You Should Do Tonight!

16th Apr 2013Professional, ,

Fate is now officially “patent pending!”  So, now when you need to decide what you should do tonight, look towards patent pending technology!


Fate was filed with a Provisional Patent with the USPTO under the title “Decision Making and Activity Recommendations Engine via Online Persona.” There were 32 pages and over 15,000 words submitted… That’s a lot of typing to be sure, but hopefully it ends up more than worth it.


The process was laborious to say it best.  There are really very few examples on the Internet that don’t revolve around a subscription service that locks you into pay for “assistance” for 12 or 24 months.  There’s no reason you’d need this service that long… such a scam.  Other than that, there’s not much but a few examples that people have posted.  The verbiage is crazy.  I’m sure I didn’t get it right, but luckily I have 12 months to actually hire a patent attorney…. I hope I have that need…


Now, it’s on to the Trademark office to nab up “Decide What to Do Tonight” and “What should we do tonight?”  All good marks and good SEO for search engines.  This is the kind of thing you want people to find you for.

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